
webFuuta belongs in the webPulaaku Portal, which comprises Fuuta Tooro, Maasina, Sokoto, Wasolon, Wodhaaɓe, Ɓundu, Adamawa, among several other Fulɓe communities in West and Central Africa. And webPulaaku, itself, is part of the webAfriqa Portal.

webFuuta publishes information about a pre-colonial West African Islamic State, which lasted between 1725 and 1897. This was the first of a series of events which led to the creation of « Fulɓe hegemonic states » in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Fuuta-Jaloo theocratic model inspired other leaders, who sought to redraw the political landscape of West Africa, only to be overwhelmed by the European military conquest.

The Fuuta-Jaloo was — and still is — a multiethnic, multi-lingual society. Between 1725 and 1896, it was a confederacy ruled by Muslim Fulɓe. Its aristocratic dynasty adopted alternance between two branches (the Alfaya and the Soriya) of the same family (Seediyaaɓe) as a compromise and a sustainable form of goverment. The village of Timbo expanded into a royal city and an imperial capital. Through war and negotiation the Fuuta-Jaloo became a regional power, wielding influence and generating wealth. As a sovereign state, it dealt with France as a diplomatic peer decades prior to surrendering to it. The Fuuta's artistic and literary legacy count among Africa''s finest.

Yet, the Fuuta-Jaloo State, not unlike similar institutions, oppressed and coerced communities, domestically and externally.

webFuuta explores the history and the living legacy of a dynamic community-nation. It publishes archives and educational material, as well as research information. It looks at the Fuuta Jaloo from the insider's vantage point. However, it stops short of mere nostalgia. Instead, using hindsight, this site describes fairly and analyzes critically the complex history of the Fuuta-Jaloo Muslim Confederacy. It studies the achievements and the failings of the State, the strength of the founding Almamis, the weaknesses of the last rulers, which France exploited to conquer the Land of Waters, Fruits, Faith and Freedom, and dominate its people.